Animal Survey Form

Submitted by ichoyle on
Please fill out the fields below to submit rare animal observation and email photographic documentation (images of animals/habitat/ or maps) to Be sure to include your name and date of form submission in the email so we can match them to your rare animal report. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Indicates required field
Person Making this Report (Name)
Please provide lat/long in addition to detailed location information. Lat/long can be generated from Google Maps - on a computer, click slowly once or twice on the location and a pin will be added with lat/long included. On a smart phone, press and hold on the location, and a red pin will be added and the lat/long will show in the search bar.
(include age and sex, if known)
(sight record, vocal record, specimen, photograph, etc.)
(singing, foraging, at nest, etc.)
(use NC NHP natural community name if known; describe dominant vegetation, maturity of vegetation, slope, aspect, etc.)
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human